

I was not able to give blood for our grandson this summer during his liver
transplant surgeries.....because of my Parkinsons meds.

Another interesting thing that we found at UCSF was that blood given
specifically for Griffin cost  $100 per unit......and blood from the blood
bank cost  only $50 per unit........his mother continued to give blood every
3 days because she wanted him to have it.....but we were surprised at the
"extra cost".......That blood needed to be processed and handled separately,
rather than in batches with the rest and stored until it was needed to be

As a postscript to this........after 81 days at UCSF.....Griffin is finally
home from the hospital.......2 liver transplants, 3 blood clots, two moderate
rejection periods, several infections and drug reactions just to name a few
of his events for the summer!  And now he is an 18 month old with a chance to
grow up!!!

Rita  55/10