

Charlotte Mancuso wrote:

> Hi,
> The segment with Joan Samuelson and Arlen Spector on 20/20 aired last
> night at 10:00.  I THINK IT WAS AWESOME!!  Joan Samuelson was great, and
> has done so much for furthering funding and awareness for PD!  Yet, this
> never would have happened if it weren't for MJFox, and that ties in with
> one message of the segment: why are celebrities necessary to get national
> and political attention; why isn't need driving prioritizing funding for
> research.
> The other  focus was on the unfair disparities in spending across the
> disease groups. When they interviewed Sen. Spector, they really
> challenged him pretty hard;  he was obviously uncomfortable,  he
> stammered,  and couldn't come up with answers for Stossel(sp?), the 20/20
> interviewer. In the end, Spector, who seemed to think he'd be given credit
> for his support, started back peddling, once he realized, that instead, he
> was taking the heat for embarrassing criticism of the funding process, and
> so he placed the responsibility on the NIH. (If he or most any politician
> can take the credit for something, then it's their responsibility and
> power that prevailed; if there is embarrassing criticism and heat for it,
> and there was last night, then it's not in his power or responsibility,
> it's some other entity's.)
> I'm very glad the Chairman of the Appropriation Committee, if not Spector
> personally, had his "feet held to the fire," and about time too.  At any
> rate, this is my feeling and immediate impression of the show; it goes
> without saying that you are welcome to disagree.
> Let's all remember how long Joan Samuelson and others have been fighting
> this outrageous, frustrating political situation without MJFox, and what
> they are once again enduring with this maddening political process!! Let's
> give kudos!
>                          HEAR HEAR, JOAN, YOU HIT
>                          A HOME RUN!!
>                               Thank you
>                               Joan, MJFox,
>                               PAN, et al.
> Note to locals on list:  I taped it, and if some of you  didn't see it, I
> can try to show it here soon, or if someone can do it conveniently, please
> come forward.  (It's a hassle for me to reorganize my TV/VCR.)  Let me
> know right away; I feel it needs to be seen now, since we have to start
> pushing on the House of Reps. and the Senate to pass an acceptable version
> of the bill that funds the NIH.  I'll be getting an action alert from PAN
> Tues., and will send it out right away. Please make those calls, and make
> this a priority for just a little while longer.  Thanks, and once again,
> sorry for the nagging.
> Regards,
> Charlotte
> ------------------------------------------------------

Charlotte Mancuso
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