

FWIW, I will give a presentation at the annual meeting of the American
Dietetic Association Saturday, and will be making a strong plea for more
of our researchers to focus on PD. This research will be peripheral, not
directed at a cure. However, if this occurs, it will certainly raise
awareness of the need for a cure.
Best regards,

"Walter O. Huegel" wrote:
>     The group that seems to be missing as public advocates for PD
> research are the researcher, clinicians and doctors who are involved
> with PD research and treatment.  Is it my impression that they seem to
> be above the fray?  If so, how can they become involved?

Kathrynne Holden, MS, RD
Medical nutrition therapy
Author: "Eat well, stay well with Parkinson's disease"
"Parkinson's disease: assessing and managing unique nutrition needs"