

Replying to Jeanette,

I feel that letters, telephone calls, and all
of what you have written about are very
needed, indeed they are indispensable
elements of the Battle against PD. But
our progress could be faster.

Why is it that after YEARS of Udall Bill,
and later Udall Act advocacy, we DO NOT
HAVE A CENT in the current Senate Appropriations
Bill (although we do have a  non-binding colloquy)?

Should I dare to ask why the Parkinson's world IS still lost beneath
noise-making lobbying machines that so easily drown us out?

Jeanette,  this year, after 14 years of the battle of
surviving PD, my healthy time IS running out, despite
new medications and better support. Nine years from now,
when you are in your 14th year, I pray that PWP's
will be have access to multiple clinics, low-
cost surgical procedures, and medications that give
them RELIEF , and that screening tests will be
available for pre-symptomatic, preventative diagnosis.

I believe that a public outcry  NOW, for PD funds,
peacefully gathered at colleges and hospitals,
 a-la-National Public Television debates, with
panels of PWP's and CG's , especially those
 who are deteriorating, would be heard more than the
tenuous, fragmented, and softened voices of those
brave folks like Joan, Michael, Jim,  the PIEN
members, or you and me.

So whereas I agree with you, dear Jeanette, it is the lack
of Parkinson's monies already authorized 2 years ago
($100,000,000.00 annually) that begs for LOUDER,
always gentle persuasion, if at all possible. This means
that the Parkinson's world must ORGANIZE events
by larger numbers of us, gathered in groups, VISIBLY,
 across the globe.

On Wed, 13 Oct 1999 07:36:58 -0500 Leo Fuhr <[log in to unmask]> writes:

>Ivan Suzman said in part re:20/20 program:
    (SNIP)  I think of  the peaceful
> and embracing ways that we must honor our diversity,
> override the separateness that we might feel, and
>persuade our "opposition" to join with us.
>Ivan S.  :-}
>I reply to Ivan's message:  Persuasion of the "gentle" type can
>be the most productive and long lasting.  It is normally more lasting
>heartfelt than heavyhanded badgering (SNIP)...

>MJF, and Jim Cordy supported by the letters, e-mail, faxes, phone
>calls of
>pwp, family, friends all over the world to congress, newspapers, radio
>television.  WE can speak most effectively through the channels
>without being belligerent.  The individual stories of pwp told by us
>to our
>elected officials or the public by writing letters, calling, e-mailing
>faxing our local, regional and national media will get our message to
>everyone.  WE are VISIBLE and we will be heard.
>Jeanette Fuhr 49/47/44?
><[log in to unmask]>