

Charlotte who has Parkinson's, who's mom had Parkinson's and who's
grandfather had Parkinson's has asked the questions I ask too.  Like
Charlotte, I want answers to these questions.  Join me and ask your
legislators these questions and call, write or e-mail Sossel and ask for
more 20/20 interviews on congressional  funding for medical research.
<[log in to unmask]> You can contact your local ABC channel that carried
the 20/20 interview by Stossel called, "Lobbying for Lives".

Jeanette Fuhr 49/47/44?

Date: Wednesday, October 13, 1999 12:21 AM
Charlotte said in part:

How did she
                  get sick; would the rest of us get sick; would she ever
                  well; when will doctor's find a cure like they did for
polio; or
                  will she die and when?

                       Why? Why wasn't God hearing me and helping
                       her, when she was just getting worse and worse,
                       and our lives were getting more and more

                   Who and how many more will be diagnosed?  My
                  son asks me if it he will get PD,
                  why don't we know
                  the causes of PD, why can't we have better treatment than
                  we have, since for all the new therapies, people like Mo
                  Udall are still dying in nursing homes in the late
nineties just
                  exactly as my mother did; and why is the Udall Act still
                  fully funded?  For God's Sake! For my family's sake, for
                  Udall's family's sake, and for the sake of the nation:

                  Is the current generation of my family going to suffer
                  same crisis of faith in God and Country? Let's all work
                  success in speeding up a cure.  My family and the nation
                  can't wait any longer for the calamity of PD to be wiped
                  It is time to act!

                  Charlotte Mancuso
                  Young Parkinson's Support Group
                  668 Channing Avenue
                  Palo Alto, CA  94301