

Just before his death BF Skinner lectured on his Behaviorism model.
There are certain axiomatic regularities that influence human behavior,
e.g., Behavioral  Consequences. He mentioned over-population. We now
have six billion people.  Often  religion and nationalism work against
population control.  To mitigate the effects of unhampered growth,
people  have to feel its effects, i.e., the behavioral consequences.  At
this time some nations discourage people from having children (China),
whole others reward parents (Italy)..
Skinner said that unfortunately by the time people  feel the effects off
this growth, it may be too late to reverse the process
Applying this to PD..   It is only when PD impinges upon you in a
personal way that you have awareness  and want something something to be
done, to be rescued.
 Time is then of the essence, hence Jim's hour glass, Joan's emphasis on
the time element, and speculation about  how long until a cure. .  This
illustrates the model, or paradigm of Behavior Modification, Response
It describes how we act or react.  We have to become aware and
visionary in our thinking.. Monday I flipped my sailboat. My wife and I
were  in the 64 degree water about 20 minutes. A  fishing boat picked us
up. I felt that we were in real danger, in expresses All of my thoughts
were focused on how to get  out of this situation, to survive. Sliding
into that water got my attention in a micro second.
The principles of Behavior Modification may help us understand our
concerns Incidentally they may be used to describe the differences
between pro active versus reactive legislators.