

Dear Friends,
Thank you so much for including our family in your prayers. We firmly believe in the power of prayer, and I can't help but believe it's already made a difference for us.  Realistically, neither Dawana or myself should have survived the wreck at all - no one knows exactly how many times the one ton truck  flipped, but it was a horrendous accident.  My head was sliding across the pavement, and when I got out of the truck, I fully expected to be missing most if not all of my forehead and face.  Instead I have a large bruise on my temple. I also ended up with some broken ribs, a hurt shoulder and a concussion.  Dawana was thrown out of the vehicle, about 50 feet from where the truck stopped. She had severe bleeding, and a smashed pelvis, broken arm, hurt back, and hurt legs. Despite all this, she has remained conscious and fairly optimistic, and is doing the best she can. She has a terribly long road of operations and rehab in front of her, but with support of friends such as you, I know we will get her home safe and healthy eventually.  Our 2 sons, Bobby (18 on Oct 12), and Billy (12, 13 on Dec 12) are behaving like champions, keeping themselves and the house and the animals clicking like clockwork.
Please extend my thanks to all who have sent such kind thoughts and know that they are deeply appreciated
Bob "Tex" Armentrout
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