

Hi all,

        On Sun, 17 Oct 1999,  Ken Becker wrote:

> Clare, I have have a few hundred items in my mailbox and was never told it
> was full, I am on AOL. I wonder if there IS a limit?

        Well,  I'm  not  an AOLian :-) but from the number of "mailbox
     full" messages on the mailing list I run, I would say "yes, there
     *IS* a limit!" :-)

  ...who wants to know why wrong numbers are never busy.
.___. William A. ....._..._ .......7177 Heritage Drive+-- =''' ----------+
| _ \__ _ _ _ _ _ ___| |_| |_ ___ .Westchester........|   c oo   (42?)   |
|  _/ _` | '_| '_/ -_)  _|  _/ -_).OH 45069-4012......|   |  \    /      |
|_| \__,_|_| |_| \___|\__|\__\___|.513/779-0780.......|     -            |
..... .... [log in to unmask] .......+------------------+