

^^^^^^  WARM GREETINGS  FROM  ^^^^^^^^^^^^  :-)
 Ivan Suzman        49/39/36       [log in to unmask]   :-)
 Portland, Maine    land of lighthouses       51   deg. F   :-)
Hi AGAIN everyone,

To those above and anyone else, I am now
finished testifying, and the Human Rights
Investigator's Report must be awaited.

She will write a report on whether there was discrimination
apparent in the actions of the City's lawyers,
during my failed sewer and property tax
abatement applications in 1997-1998.

I tried to show that the City of Portland
lawyers have never shown any effort
to educate themselves about Parkinson's
Disease, and its impact on one's budget.

I stated that I feel I have been mistreated
for 7 years, and that the City ought to
STOP taxing me  $2500/year, unless my financial
position changes SUBSTANTIALLY.
My annual disability income is $$8250.

I explained how they are adversarial,
not conciliatory.

I broke down crying once, during the
fact-finding conference, and I
went through two OFF-periods.

But I am smiling now. I have the
feeling I did very well.

Tyrone da-Silva, PCA, stayed
late, to help me get through
the process.

IVAN  :-)