

Friends:   This A.M. Ivan called and asked me to post this for him.  He has
checked with Congressional aides and PAN. It appears that because his
testimony was not  picked up at the hearing (only 2 senators present) it
will not be available to others in Congress for another month--TOO LATE for
our funding.

He asked that I again post it to the lists, and URGE folks to forward it to
their senatore and representatives as soon as possible.  PAN says the
conference committee will begin reconciliation of the Senate and Hopuse
bills on Monday !   It is especially important to reach members on the
conference committee, but all need to see it, to  prepare for a floor vote.
Sen.Snowe(Maine) has helped Ivan get this to the hearing, and her aide said
it was "a good read"---hopefully others would agree.

Here is the  testimony--I will send all 3 parts (separately) and trust PAN
will keep us informed of the bills' progress. Here is the list of people to
contact--especially if you are in their district:


Advocates can contact the four principal conferees - the four leaders of the
Labor/HHS conference (listed below) - and urge them to do everything in
considerable power to ensure that an additional $75 million is actually
spent on Parkinson’s-focused research in FY2000.

They have provided the additional money - and for that we are grateful - but
NIH must be directed to devote those funds to research that will produce
improved therapies and a cure for Parkinson’s as soon as possible!

Deliver that same message to the members of the House and Senate Labor/HHS
Appropriations Subcommittees listed below:

Senate Membership:
Chairman: Arlen Specter (PA)
Thad Cochran (MS)
Larry E. Craig (ID)
Slade Gorton (WA)
Judd Gregg (NH)
Kay Bailey Hutchison (TX)
Jon L. Kyl (AZ)
Ted Stevens (AK)

Ranking: Tom Harkin (IA)
Dianne Feinstein (CA)
Ernest F. Hollings (SC)
Daniel K. Inouye (HI)
Herbert H. Kohl (WI)
Patty Murray (WA)
Harry Reid (NV)

House Membership:
Chairman: John Edward Porter (IL)
Henry Bonilla (TX)
Randy Cunningham (CA)
Jay Dickey (AR)
Ernst Istook, Jr. (OK)
Dan Miller (FL)
Anne M. Northup (KY)
Roger Wicker (MS)
C.W. (Bill) Young (FL)

Ranking: David R. Obey (WI)
Rosa DeLauro (CT)
Steny H. Hoyer (MD)
Jesse Jackson, Jr. (IL)
Nita M. Lowey (NY)
Nancy Pelosi (CA

All Members of Congress can be reached by telephone through the Capitol
Switchboard at (202) 224-3121.

The 3 part testimony follows in separate  emails.  Thanks for your help.

       Camilla Flintermann,                             <[log in to unmask]>

             "  Knowing when to insist, and when to let be,
               is,perhaps, a lifetime learning experience  ."
                              --Mary McCurry