

>Please tell me what your opinion is on taking 12-sinemet 25/100/day  and
>6 mg Requip/day.
>Is that a lot of sinemet?  When I read that people are taking 3 or 4
>tablets a day it makes me wonder.

Hi Greg-- 12 of the 25/100 + 6mg Requip sounds close to Peter's dosage--he
takes 12 of the 10/100 (so as to get less carbidopa with the Sinemet) and
1&1/2 mg Requip 3X a day.  He has been dxd
more than 10 years, probably had it "coming on" for 15 before that.
Circumstances alter cases, especially for PW Ps !
   I don't see an indication in your signature of how long you've had it-----?

Camilla Flintermann, CG for Peter 81/70/55
Oxford, Ohio
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