

And thanks to you, Erika, for the feedback--the first we've had on this
option. I've forwarded your post to
CARE to be sure all of our "family" are aware that this really DOES WORK !
Glad it will be helpful.  You can spread the word among PWPs and CGs in Oz,
too !

>Dear Camilla,
>     To my delight the free literature from the National Parkinsons
>Foundation, which
> I e-mailed for on the 8th of October, arrived here to-day (the 27th of
>October), in Australia.
> I am sending them some money to cover postage and packaging.
>The package included six booklets, an issue of the quarterly magazine:
>Parkinson Report
>and some leaflets. I have not had the chance to read it all, but at first
>glance there is a lot
>of very useful information there, which certainly would answers also many
>questions of those
>new to PD.
> Thank you Camilla for facilitating this option.
>                    Kindest regards, Erika.

Camilla Flintermann, CG for Peter 81/70/55
Oxford, Ohio
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                        "Ask me about the CARE list for
                        Caregivers of Parkinsonians ! "