


It costs significantly more to print on both sides of a business
card.  ALSO, you might not be able to hand write legibly at the
moment you want to fill in the date of the next meeting <deep
sigh>  I  know that I practically shred just getting one out of my
wallet to hand it to someone!  <groan>

I've come to the conclusion that in this case - with these
information cards - that the ."KISS theory" ("Keep it simple,
stupid) <--- not calling our sharp-as-a-tack-Hilary THAT!) works
best in this case.

I tried to get the most important points, points that could be
grasped by anyone in a quick glance.  By the  way, speaking of a
quick glance, I have the name of the support group (which also
states the name of the disease in the name of the group)
highlighted in BOLD black, as is my name as group leader.

Before I forget, when handing someone a card, I usually hand 'em a
COUPLE of cards and say something to the effect like, "I've
included an extra  card or two in case you have any family or
friends who you feel  might benefit from knowing there's a local
Parkinson's support group near by."

Believe it or not, almost EVERYONE says "Oh yeeeeah!  My uncle,
cousin, neighbor, office manager, etc. has Parkinson's (or "They
shake a lot, but are too young to get THAT disease") <turns out
that "they" are 40 and far too many of us can say there's no such
thing as "too young" when it comes to PD!

Barb Mallut
[log in to unmask]

-----Original Message-----
From: Hilary Blue <[log in to unmask]>
To: [log in to unmask] <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Thursday, October 28, 1999 8:24 AM
Subject: Re: PD Awareness Campaign REPLY (long)

> that is absolutely brilliant - i am going to do the same. i
notice lots of
>people do something similar for appoitment cards - and maybe i'll
do that
>also- i don't know how much it would cost - but on the rear, or a
line at the
>bottom saying - next meeting, and a place to fill in the .time .
>one can thenom presentiong that card to the peson, fill out that
time and
>date,, and hopefully the person will be at thw next meeting
>hilary Blue
>Barb_MSN wrote:
>> Jeanette, et al....
>> One thing that's proved to generate a lot of interest
>> and questions about PD for me is the business-type
>> cards I had printed up and pass out all over the place.
>> Each card looks like the following  (and "dots" are to
>> help keep the formatting since I typed this directly in
>> email, rather than via word processor) and the line
>> reading "FUND the  Cure! FIND the Cure" is italicized
>> on the card for emphases:
>> ............. ............Encino Tri-Valley
>> ............Parkinson's Disease Support Group
>> ............ FUND the Cure! FIND the Cure!  .
>> Meeting at Encino Hospital............Barbara Mallut
>> 3rd Sat. of each month........................Coordinator
>> 16237 Ventura Blvd.........................(818)705-3037
>> Encino, [log in to unmask]
>> This card cost me $19 for 1000 cards, and since
>> they've generated so much interest, plus have brought
>> in new members to the support group, I"m going to
>> have another 1000 cards run up, leaving the part where
>> have MY name BLANK, and add in a "Name-line" for
>> our members to write in THEIR name, and THEY can
>> then pass out the cards too.
>> ..