

Dear Marty,

As I have mentioned before. The correct settings can only be achieved if you
are admitted for one or two weeks to the hospital with the doctor evaluating
the stim. parameters twice a day in combination with some medication
adjustments. I will see Dr. Verhagen, who happens to be one of my best
friends on novemebr 4th in Belgium where he will attend one of the STN
surgeries in my hospital. I will also show him some STN patients and show
him the settings I usually use most succesfully.  If you want a successful
response with STN stim. a short admission is in my opinion mandatory.

By the way, the theory of brain swelling after STN surgery is not correct.
Stim. parameter adjustments can be done right after surgery.  The response
is immediate and the worsening after stopping stimulation is very evident.


Chris van der Linden, M.D.