

^^^^^^  WARM GREETINGS  FROM  ^^^^^^^^^^^^  :-)H
 Ivan Suzman        49/39/36       [log in to unmask]   :-)
 Portland, Maine    land of lighthouses       39    deg. F   :-)

Hello folks,

I am facing hospitalization nad institutionalization.

I am writing to inform you that my PCA night coverage
has been shattered.

All 7 of my overnights are not covered as of tomorrow.

For an entire night, Maine pays my workers $15.00.

I have no money to pay and no housemate prospect.

Saturday, Sunday, Tues, Wed were covered by PCA who quit
because he is going to criminal court on 10/28.  His mother
told me that he had hid all this history from me-the charges are
based on whatever he did in March, 5 months before
I met him.

Thursday and Friday overnight coverage ends tmorrow because PCA retired
on Sept. 2 and her US Social Security has not come
through so she went to Portland City Welfare for rent
assistance, and she cannot work for me  at night
and still qualify for rent assistance.She is allowed
to earn $109.00 /wk but currently earns $102.20 here for day-work,  +
for the 2 nights.

Mon was coverd by PCA who will lose subsidized
housing and is forced to  not work for me.

And I am allowed to earn only 21 USdollars per month
or I lose my governent medicaid health insurance....which
is what provides me with PCA coverage of 91 hours per

 I need help at night
with no prospects in sight.
and though I want to fight

jungle vines have choked me