

I am taking my Mother to the doctor tomorrow and have some questions
regarding her medications.  She is 74 and was diagnosed 5 years ago.  She
seems to still be in early stages; shuffles feet, dexterity problem with left
hand, no tremor.  My problem is that now she seems to be seeing things, it
occurs mostly in the evening and appears out of the corner of her eye, little
streams of light that travel up the ceiling into the hanging lamp.  Sounds
like over medication or PD?  She is still taking the same amount of
Caridopa/Levodopa (Teva) (100MG 3 x a day) that the doctor originally
prescribed five years ago!  The only change/addition in recent months has
been the addition of an anti-inflammatory for sciatica and a "relaxer" the
doctor gave her to sleep (Zanax 25mg), I wonder if these drugs could cause
hallucinations or if its just PD.  We had her eyes checked, all ok.  What
should I ask the doctor?  Since I also have PD I think it's odd that she is
still on the same meds, also the amount seems high but I'm not sure.  What do
you guys think?  You're the experts, we gotta keep these doc's on the ball.
