


Hi, this is one of the hardest but  most healthy letters I'll every write.  I
am 29 and have PD.  I'm not on medicine because my doctor doesn't even fill my
anti-depressant and I don't want to get sicker then I already am.

My sister is in denial because many of my symptoms were misdiagnosed by another
Physician (I once had Fibromiolgia, Diabetes Type 1 and many many more as
tension and migraine headaches, bad posture, lack of sleep, depression etc. )
Then I went to the hospital and they gave me HALDOL for sleep  (Which seemed to
kicked it in worse) and I was stiff the next day, hunched  with a mask like
face. 6 months later  I still have trouble walking forward without
walking/falling  backward, am hunched slightly, stiff in my my pelvis and
depression  and anxiety, sleep flexed.

And most of all I'm   tired of people saying people my age can't get it cos
we're too young!!!

Guess what, we are not.   I went from a computer programmer, Webmaster,
competitive Figure Skater(ice), student, and Disneyland lover.  Now, I can
barely do any of the above.  Actually I can go to Disneyland if I save it up.
I live in Southern Calif.  Yeah!!!!!!

Drew Devlin
[log in to unmask]

Life's no fun without a good scare...
This is Halloween, this is Halloween...
Everyone Scream
In this town, we call home;
Everyone hail to the Pumpkin Song.

From: The Nightmare Before Christmas
Touchstone Pictures