


 I didn't list the people who responded to me Gil  listed his responses to
his question which was stated clearly as a question.

.   When I make a lot of statements I do not receive reactions to them while
others I do. It depends on how controversial the subject is and whether it
sparks  an interest in someone else and whether it is read as a question of
a call for help.

You commented on the lack or response to your orgone statement.  I think
that orgone therapy and Wilhelm Reich is an esoteric topic which most of the
list would not know what you are talking about.  Reich certainly obliquely
fits in with a discussion on magnetism but was not as important or urgent as
the use of it as a PD cure.  If you ask questions or ask for comments I
think you will likely get more responses.

AS regards your statement about expanding the response circle, I'm all for


----- Original Message -----
From: Walter O. Huegel <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Friday, October 22, 1999 7:59 AM
Subject: Nikken magnets

> Dr. Meyer listed those who responded to his magnet remarks.  My entry
> about the subject Orgonization (sic) theory, Wilhelm Reich, didn't get
> any reactions.. I reiterate that the same handful off people use the web
> page, often making it a detailed diaryof  personal lives.  Where are the
> reportedly several thousand who monitor this page?  Are my entries
> irrelevant to the readers. Some of my suggestions have practicality.
> I'll  toss out an  idea, perhaps  someone will salute it.  There is a
> company which sells state flags at  reasonable rates.  When we have the
> NYC  PD walk, why not have each states represented with a flag?
> Re: the discussion of magnet therapy...
> There are numerous companies selling magnet products, the most notorious
> of which is Nikken, a pyramid selling scheme.
> Yes, I was diagnosed 7 years ago, so I am a legitimate PWP.  I wish you
> well, but wishing wont make it so, neither will preaching to the choir.
> I am awre of the need for social and moral support as a function of this
> support group, but can't  we expand our response circle.