

To Those of You Who Want to Help Find a Cure for PD:

There are still Pennies for Parkinson's Cans that need a home!
There hasn't been much discussion about this project lately, but
it is an ongoing endeavor.

It's really an easy thing to do and you'll feel so good about doing it.
 I'm just beginning
to get some of the cans back which I replace with another.   It's
so easy to get them into places, you just have to ask.

A major hint: To get the best
results put them in locations that have a cash register that deals
mostly in cash. (small restaurants such as Souper Salad, a
hardware stores, cleaners, beauty shops, local grocery stores,
gift shops or pharmacies in medical buildings, etc.)
My next project will be working to get them
into some national chains. I'll let you know if
I'm successful.  (And if I'm not, I won't let  you know cause
I'll keep on until I am!)

Another hint: I printed some see-thru labels
with my name & phone number on it.
It's much easier than writing on the can itself.

A few of you wrote me and  somehow thought I was
responsible for distribution.    Although I would love
to take any credit for being involved with
such a fantastic idea for visibility and fund-raising,
those in the Parkinson Alliance and NPF are
responsible, but  I do  urge you to get involved!
If you can't get around to distribute you can call or
write letters to get your foot (or can) in the door and
have family or friends deliver them for you.  So...
Pick up the telephone and call NPF at 800-327-4545
and tell Jackie how many containers you want..
There is no charge for the cans.
Good luck,