

Hi, All you lovely People!
First, I want to thank you for all the fun and banter. Some times I don't know what I would
 have done without you. You have given me the courage to face each day, when I realize
your struggle and what you have done with it.  Please don't stop.
I think I joined the list just in time.  I have learned so much.  Seams that when I have a 
question,there is the information. When I asked about PPS , got info about SMA and PSP.
Read info and looked up everything I could find on the internet. (still learning puters) 
Dick 77/75 had consultation with second movement specialist at Cleveland Clinic. Wants 
to and is trying Sinimet 25/100 and carbadopa from Canada before Surgery.  
I asked about PSP (NO) and if that was what he had, would surgery be of any benefit. 
I called up Society for PSP and also woman who heads support group 75 miles from here.
I was going to give her this list address but forgot. Will get back to that latter.  
SPSPsent news letter and a lot more detail.  I really feel that PSP should be the correct DX.
Obtained name of Specialist familiar with PSP in Pittsburgh so am going to get appointment 
with her.   Hope you can stand long stories!
When Dick complained of his mouth bothering him so much, I took him to 3 dentists and he
 saw 4 DRS. It was suggested that he see a Psychiatrist.
Son called M.D. that we believe literally saved his life, begged him to see his Dad.   We went 
to him(very thorough!). Dick told him about mouth and the lights went on!  M.D. started him on 
Nystaten while they did a culture. Verdict----OVERWHELMING YEAST Infection so is now on 
Diflucen. (sp)    More latter.      Love you all, Audrey