


At 12:19 PM 10/30/1999 +0200, you wrote:
>Hallo everyone out there in cyberspace,
>I really don't understand why so many Parkinson patients are shouting for
>more money on research for a cure and in the meantime have to suffer from
>the disease.  If a cure is found the million Parkinson patients in the world
>are not helped by that, especially those in a later stage of the disease.  I
>would fight for better care, e.g. facilities for physical therapy, lower
>costs for medicine and widespread availability of expert neurosurgical
>centers to perform deep brain stimulation.

Thank God, finally a voice of wisdom in this wilderness!!!
Tomorrow is my 67 birthday, and I don't mind growing older
at all, I just wish I had saved the energy  & money I expended trying
to go from specialist to specialist, praying for a cure, wanting one
of them to tell me the rest were wrong.
For the last 5 or 6 years I have finally learned to accept my PD
and not go chasing half way around the world seeking cures.

I too pray for a cure, but for the younger ones, and to eradicate it,
but for myself, I'd just be happy if it didn't get any worse.

As Ever,
Marjorie Moorefield, just another librarian with PD
66/11  Tomorrow 67/11