

Hi Liz....

I guess this is just  another problem that's similar to many that
we PWPs see as potentially beneficial which turns out to
disappoint us for one reason or another.

At least the collagen worked well for me a coupla-three times.....

I'm finding - as I move along life's pathway - (that's the SLOW
lane for most of us Parkies <rueful grin> that I've become MORE
demanding but end up expecting LESS

The thing is that I keep searching and searching when I find
myself accepting less  because eventually I feel cheated,
frustrated, and full of anger at this damnable disease.   That has
inspired me to continue researching for the exact product or
service I need, but OH what a lotta energy and time is expended in
trying to find what is needed.

I have indeed heard about being able to use one's own natural
collagen (prolly refine it from your body fat or something like
that).   In fact I've discussed this with UCLA's Dr. Gerald Berke.
HE seems to feel that bovine collagen works just as well as using
one's own collagen, and said he saw no reason to bother using
one's own.

Don't quote me on this tho, 'cause I'm merely parroting back at
ya what Dr. B. said... and he didn't expand on the topic at all.

Barb M.

-----Original Message-----
From: Elizabeth Southwood <[log in to unmask]>
To: [log in to unmask] <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Saturday, October 30, 1999 6:07 PM
Subject: Re: PWP Rights -Battle Against Foreclosure

>Hi Barb -
>Sorry to read the collagen is being absorbed and doesn't
therefore work!!  I
>finally have an appointment with a doc who does the procedure; I
was told he
>uses ones own fat (I think it was fat).  Have you heard anything
about that
>or been given that option?
>Best, Liz