


There's a fairly significant number of Parkies who don't  have a
visible tremor, however, they DO have what's referred to as an
"INVISIBLE tremor.

You might have that and are sensitive to the algorithm (the
heart-beat feeling ya have) of that invisible tremor.

I wish I had more information or could better explain THIS bit of
info, but that's 'bout all I can think of which might be causing
that "heart beat" type feeling.

Barb Mallut
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-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Kamensky <[log in to unmask]>
To: [log in to unmask] <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Saturday, October 30, 1999 2:05 PM
Subject: Sensing your heartbeat in your body?

>Hi everyone -
>I'm not quite ready to do a full-blown introductory post, but I
wanted to
>ask a question of the group about a potential symptom,
particularly during
>very early onset.
>Has anyone else here had in the past, or have now, a sense that
they can
>feel their heartbeat constantly in their body, particularly in
their upper
>torso, neck, head, hands and arms? I found only one reference to
>like this in PD materials online.
>Recently I've had this sense and I can feel my pulse almost
>usually when I'm at rest (along with a general sense of slightly
>anxiety throughout my body). I don't have a typical tremor in my
hand(s) but
>I do have a slight shake that's perfectly in time with my pulse
and is
>particularly noticable to me, if still subtle in a way, when I'm
holding a
>piece of paper and trying to read something. It's equal in both
>although my right shoulder feels more tense (and that's the one I
swing less
>when walking).
>Thanks in advance,