

hi all

At 17:24 1999/10/29 -0700, you wrote:
>what's going on...I've been getting duplicate messages
>for the past three days...sometimes they come minutes
>after each other and sometimes several hours later
>after I've deleted the first ones....

hi joan

there doesn't seem to be anything wrong
with your subscription settings from this end

the clues will be in the cyberdeegook headers
of the duplicates that you have received

please forward a set of duplicates to me for detection

please ensure that your e-mail program inserts a > mark [whatz it called?]
at the front of each line of the message being forwarded
so as to ensure that the forwarded cyberdeegook headers
are not mis-interpreted as active cyberdeegok headers
by the e-mail routing computers

ain't technology fabulous?

list nerdette

janet paterson
52 now / 41 dx / 37 onset
613 256 8340 po box 171 almonte ontario canada K0A 1A0
a new voice: <>
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