

Today's Chicago Tribune had a small article (datelined New York) which
read as follows:

A new brain implant therapy for Parkinson's disease that doesn't rely on
human or animal fetal tissue has shown such promising results in monkeys
that researchers plan to try it soon in humans.

In seven monkeys with a drug-induced form of Parkinson's, the cell
implants resulted in an improvement in each animal that varied from 44
percent to 90 percent within 3 months.

Richard C. Allen of Titan Pharmaceuticals, Inc., which developed the
therapy said he believes it can bring about "long term, significant
restoration of function" using implants of "readily available human
cells" that could be stored frozen and used as an off-the-shelf product.

The cells are dopamine-producing cells that form a pigmented layer in
the retina of the human eye.  Why retina cells produce dopamine, is not
known.  The cells can be obtained from donor eyes at organ banks and
then grown and multiplied in the lab.  The cell product is caled
Spheramine.  One donor eye could provide enough cells to perform
thousands of implants, Allen said.

Have any of you heard anything about this?

Nancy Shlaes deGrazia (62/5)