


Requip like the other agonists can cause psychosis just as can l-dopa.
Schizophrenia appears to be a diaeae of DOPAMINE EXCESS(much oversimplified)
while PD of course is a disease of dopamine deficiency. While usually Requip
does not cause psychosis, in a person who has had serious episodes of
psychosis in the past and is elderly and physically compromised,  I would be
very cautious about the increase of Requip or other agonist .
----- Original Message -----
From: Michel Margosis +ADw-michelmarg+AEA-EROLS.COM+AD4-
Sent: Friday, October 29, 1999 9:52 PM
Subject: Re: Opinion

+AD4- Charles T. Meyer, M.D. wrote:
+AD4- +AD4- I wrote to GReg +ACI-If you can take it+ACI-  Psychosis is a side effect of
+AD4- +AD4- and other agonists.  You have to balance the benefits against the side
+AD4- +AD4- effects and with Peter  and his history and age I would be very careful.
+AD4- Our neuro was considering Requip for Barbara as replacement for Permax.
She had
+AD4- been briefly on Tasmar and did well with it, but because of history of
+AD4- problems, was taken off and back on Permax.
+AD4- I think the cost of further diminishing cognitive functions may be too
much of a
+AD4- price to pay yet for unknown benefits.  Barbara hallucinates during the
day and
+AD4- occasionally screams and kicks at night, and is terribly apprehensive of
+AD4- dementia.  She is also on Celexa (antidepressant), Aricept (anti
+AD4- Seroquel (for nightmares).
+AD4- If psychosis is a fairly common side effect of Requip, it does not appear
to me
+AD4- to have sufficient  'risk/benefit'  value as an agonist.
+AD4- Michel