

I read your e-mail with interest but must disagree with one point. You said
"If a cure is found the million Parkinson patients in the
world are not helped by that, especially those in a later stage of the
disease." This may not be true as very promising research is happening on
drugs / compounds which will allow PD suffers conditions to improve from
their present


----- Original Message -----
From: Dennis Greene <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: 31 October 1999 11:02
Subject: Re: cure for PD


You wrote:

> I really don't understand why so many Parkinson patients are shouting for
> more money on research for a cure and in the meantime have to suffer from
> the disease.  If a cure is found the million Parkinson patients in the
> are not helped by that, especially those in a later stage of the disease.
> would fight for better care, e.g. facilities for physical therapy, lower
> costs for medicine and widespread availability of expert neurosurgical
> centers to perform deep brain stimulation.

Its nice to see something in the above vein that wasn't written by me.  You
are welcome to join me in the corner any time you want to.  <grin>


Dennis Greene 49/dx 37/ onset 32
There's nothing wrong with me that beating PD won't fix!
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