

Sorry to see you are so cynical about the search for a cure for PD  etc. The
nature of the beast (PD) is such that a tremendous amount of research is
necessary to first understand what the disease is. Sure, we are told that it
is due to the death of cells in the substantia nigra. But firsr tey must
understand the why of the cell death.  This requires knowledge of a
fantastic amount of chemistry of the brain. Thus the remendous amount of
research on brain chemistry. In the course of such research they have found
out some brain chemistry which has resulted in sinemet, mirapex, tasmar and
the other drugs to treat the PD beast. My guess is that you are not
acquainted with such things as the various surgeries and cell implantation
techniques. Stick around here and you will find out a lot.

As to Polio being the last cure - please realize that finding a cure for a
disease caused by an organism is a lot simpler than finding a cure for PD.
To oversimplify- to find a cure for such a disease first find the organism
then find a way to kill it or help the body neutralize or kill it.  Other "
cures" in the past few decades have been the anti-biotics used to CURE
various diseases.
You finish your letter by saying  " Hope everyone had a nice day"  - well,
frankly,  reading your letter  kind of spoiled my day a little. I feel sorry
for you and fervently hope that in time you will realize that humanity is
not hopeless.
Bob Anibal

----- Original Message -----
From: Tina <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Friday, October 29, 1999 5:01 PM
Subject: Government !!!!

> You guys are real nice and upbeat, but I have to say my own opinion.  I
> was dx in June with PD, and I am a fighter, so it doesn't bother me that
> much.  I realize I will have to make adjustments down the road.  The way
> I see it though, the only thing government and research companies are
> going to do, is help us live with it.  There will not be a cure because
> the drug companies are making too much money.  I mean come on, all the
> technology we have today, and the last thing we came up with a cure for
> was Polio.  I really think we can have a cure for everything by now, but
> why when you make all this money off drugs.  Hope I didn't offend
> anyone, just wanted to get that off my chest.  Hope everyone had a nice
> day.
> Tina from Ohio