

^^^^^^  WARM GREETINGS  FROM  ^^^^^^^^^^^^  :-)
 Ivan Suzman        49/39/36       [log in to unmask]   :-)
 Portland, Maine    land of lighthouses        66 June-like showery  deg.
F   :-)
  Hello PIEN, and Casco Bay Weekly Editor David Tyler,

    It's raining very heavily, and the sky is low and
dark, just as it is before a June thunderstorm.

       Connie Tate located and published on PIEN
the  e-mail address ([log in to unmask]),
 for Barbara Lelli, the Investigator who is collecting the facts
on  my TWO discrimination complaints against the City of
Portland lawyers.  Her Report, due November 15, at the Maine Human
 Rights Commission Office in Augusta, Maine, is probably
CRITICAL to my being saved from losing possession
of my house, due December 16..

   IF Ms. Lelli's Report finds that I am, like so many PWP's, a
victim of uncaring government bureaucrats who are discriminating
against me , their attempted DECEMBER 16 foreclosure , including
taking POSSESSION of my PD-adapted house,  is  far less

  Needless to say, I am in constant mental anguish
right now.  Winter is expected VERY soon here.

   As far as I can tell, several PIEN members, like
Ken Becker and Paul Fahr, have e-mailed
messages to Ms. Lelli. I do not know if SIGNED hard
copies were also sent by surface or air mail.

This morning I telephoned the MHRC, and discovered
that SIGNED hard copies of your e-mail carry much more
weight than unsigned, unprinted e-mail messages.

Even the January, 1999 PETITION might have been unacceptable,
because it has NO actual signatures on it!!   I did hand-write in
my horrible scrawl a note to Ms. Lelli ON THE ACTUAL PETITION
itself, and that act MIGHT validate it  as  bona fide.  After all,
the City could argue that I manufactured a "petition" out of the
Blue (Hilary Blue , I suppose -lolo).

 Apparently, e-mail , even from PWP's, is NOT always
 acceptable as supportive evidence.

Here is a SURFACE MAIL address for SIGNED hard copies
of e-mail letters for Ms. Lelli, and 2 phone numbers.

Ms. Barbara Lelli,
Investigator, Maine Human Rights Commission
State House Station 51
Augusta Maine, 04333--0051

tel (207) 624-6050 / 624-6055

  I am sure that our signatures, voices and dyskinesias
may all cause PWP's to be treated wrongly at times.  Also, our
voices can slur and are often very soft, so the act of  talking to
modern "voice-mail" or "audix" answering systems causes PWP' be
differently at times.

PWP's also have substantial variations in behavior and motion  that may
cause us to be labelled or mistreated.  I feel that this has been
happening to me for several YEARS,, whenever I tried to get fair
treatment  from city officials.

 They probably thought I am on drugs, a drunk or a nuisance.

What I don't get is: how can they brush aside my very well-
known volunteer work for other PWP's and their families???

Ivan Suzman  :-)