

Hi all,

        On Tue, 2 Nov 1999, Camilla Flintermann wrote:

> ...
> Since Peter is not the only PWP who has suffered a severe blow to the head
> prior to developing symptoms, I had to wonder----- could this really be a
> trigger that set  it off?  ...

        This  is  something that I, too, had wondered about.  But, the
     length of time between injury and PD onset makes it unlikely.

        I suffered a small skull fracture in an automobile accident in
     1975.  The onset of my PD symptoms was in 1995.

        And,  for  some  reason,  my  mother tried to take part of the
     blame by saying that I was a "forceps baby."  I think she worried
     that  this had caused my life-long minor tremor that perhaps grew
     to full-blown PD.

        I  don't  think either event had anything to do with it.  But,
     it did give rise to thought.

  ...who sometimes thinks that Chicken Little was right.
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