

Susan et al ---

Good for you that you discovered this.  It is truly one of
the better food plans.
Yes, we are getting chemically polluted through the junk that
we ingest and goes in to our organs, systems and the BRAIN.
This junk only hurts, does not help PD people.
Very few have an idea of how to eat to become and stay healthy.

As far as I know, the Hallelujah Diet, by Chet Day is
heavily focused on Barley Green.  Now, before some folk get
their knickers in a twist shouting Pyramid Scheme!  hold on
a sec.

Barley Green is a dried form of young barley grasses.
Highly concentrated.  It is one of the best forms of dried
greens available (there are greens from sea weeds as well as
from grasses) and also one of the most economical.

I am a person who is putting a few things by in case Y2K
becomes a problem.  My staple is:
   water, 3 jars of Barley Green and a jar of flax capsules
With those, I may be hungry but I will get the essential

I like to have 1/2 teaspoon of dry barley green in the morning.
It is full of vitamins, minerals, enzymes, anti oxidants,
can clean the body, restore the blood.
And yes, there are plenty of "scientific" studies available.
But personally, I'd just like to try it and see how I feel
rather than having someone else tell me what I should and
should not do because they saw something in a test tube.

A problem that our culture has is we eat too much.  We eat
so much and yet suffer from malnutrition because we don't eat
enough of the right things.  We need nutrients, not volume.
If we furnished ourselves with the proper nutrients, we would
have less cravings.

For anyone who lives in ONtario, Chet Day has a satellite
location in Shallow Lake which is about 2 or so hours
north of Toronto.

He makes his diet available for free, just send an email.
And you can also be put on his mailing list.

I am not surprised that barley green and the hallelujah
diete are helping you.  Of course this works.  If we
ate enough FRESH vine ripened mostly organic vegetables,
some fruit and non processed foods including good
complex carbs and some good proteins and ESSENTIAL FATTY
ACIDS we'd reduce 30%-50% of our health problems.
Including PD symptoms.  For some.

I'm not home --- I'm away, so can not respond to this message
in as full a sense as I'd like.

Keep up the great work and your focus on Hallelujah.

- Marilyn -
Marilyn Gang    [log in to unmask]