

hi all

At 09:22 1999/11/06 -0500, Hallett Patrick and Mary Ann Ryan wrote:
>>When the drs. put him in the hospital He couldn't walk  nor talk.
>>He didn't even know who I was. They kept telling me I would never
>>be able to bring him home . That He would have to be put in a
>>Nursing home , with 24 hr care. Not so.  He was put in the hopital
>>because He had a stroke, his 7th major stroke, phenewomia & >pd
>>was so bad.   But after rehab & lots of Prayers. He is home with
>>me now. He is able to walk, talk , got to the bathroom walk up
>>steps feed himself & goes to Church. He knows Me now & most of
>>the people at Church.
>Thank you for a wonderful testimonial about the restorative powers
>of home, love and God.  Please, everyone out there, understand that
>when anyone with a profound neurological condition suffers a crisis
>they *frequently* become disoriented when hospitalized.  Sometimes
>the disorientation is a direct result of electrolyte imbalance and/or
>decreased cardiovascular function. Just because a person is confused
>in the hospital *does not mean they will be equally confused at home.*
>So, if your hospitalized loved one does not recognize you or the kids
>- or insists that there are spiders crawling on the wall or dinosaurs
>lurking the bathroom, take heart.  The condition is probably temporary.
>God bless   Mary Ann Ryan RN (CG Jamie 60/20)

gosh, mary ann, your response rings alarm bells in my head

your comments appear to me to be at risk of
minimizing the potential dangers of 'moderate scale' symptoms
of disorientation or confusion or hallucinations in parkinson's disease

maybe you missed patricck hallett's second message:

>Date:  Sat, 6 Nov 1999 01:58:25 -0500
>From: HALLETT patrick <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject:      Re: New subscriber seeks advice
>Don't let them do it. Medicine can do strange ting to PD patiences.

1. every single medication used in pd, if insensitively managed, has the potential of causing drug-induced psychosis

2. potential problems increase
  a. when more than 1 med is used;
  b. with longer disease duration; and
  c. in more elderly patients

3. a 'moderate scale' symptom of drug-induced psychosis in pd must be taken as advance warning of 'colossal scale' symptoms on their way unless corrective steps are taken

4. i would bet dollars to donuts that every single parkie listmember here has heard of or has experienced first hand the kind of institutional insensitivity to pd med management that can take a parkie to the brink of a very slippery slope indeed;
which is the reason why "joe's story" [on my web-site] resonates so clearly

5. the general ignorance and insensitivity to pd and its correct treatment are in direct causal relationship to the lack of research funding

minimizing the potential dangers here can do no good
and may do harm.

faith and love are powerful forces indeed
but not with blinkers on


janet paterson
52 now / 41 dx / 37 onset
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