

^^^^^^  WARM GREETINGS  FROM  ^^^^^^^^^^^^  :-)
 Ivan Suzman        49/39/36       [log in to unmask]   :-)
 Portland, Maine    land of lighthouses           deg. F   :-)
THank you everyone for your help.

BAD news:  NONE  of the emails PIEnetpeople are
sending are accepted at the mHRC.  I just found that
out.  SO only  by sending an old-fashioned letter,
or a hand-signed hard-copy of your e-mail, does
your letter count.

And the real BAD news:

At 4:10 I opened the mail and there was a letter
from the MHRC .  THey have bought the City's
arguments, not mine.  THerefore, the MHRC
says that my claims should be DISMISSED.

During the 4-hour facat-finding meeting, the
City lawyers submitted all kinds of typed
documents.  I had no lawyer, and just
tried to hold on and telll my story.

I have to respond by NOVEMBER 20,
and any "relevant" documents can be

I am afraid that even hand-written letters
from the PIEnetters are deemed irrelevant.

GOSH, what now folks?
