

Really good news. thank you for passing it on. Nita

Charles T. Meyer, M.D. wrote:

> Everyone
> I received a call from Jim Cordy last night who sounded as excited as I have ever heard him.  He returned from a tour of NIH-NINDS and was quite impressed with the people there and what he had learned..  Apparently all of our hard work has not been in vain. He met with the head of NINDS I believe Dr. Fishbach, who assured him - and Jim believes him-  that they are committed to a cure to PD as a goal and he talked to someone who gives out grants and she told him that everything that comes through her office that has to do with PD and has any merit at all is funded.
> Also he met with Sen. Wellstone of who told him  that the pressure on congress has worked and Sen Wellstone wanted to be sure all the organizations were coming from the same place- which they are.
> I thanked Jim (and his hourglass) for his testimony before the congressional committee along with MJF.  Both have done a great job for PWP along with PAN  and deserve our  kudos.
>  Charles T. Meyer, M.D.
> Middleton(Madison) WI
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