

Thank you - Charlie Meyer for letting us know what is going on behind the
scenes for Parkinson's funding. In many ways these developments are as
important, or  maybe even more important,  as the ones we read about in
the news.
   I started writing the following letter after hearing the Senate
committee testimonies in September, but never got around to finishing and
posting it.  Better late than never, so here it is - at least in time for
Linda Herman

Three Thank Yous

Thank you Michael J. Fox for your courageous actions in speaking out for
Parkinson's research funding, and  for your moving testimony. You have
the gratitude and admiration  of Parkies from around the globe.

Thank you Joan Samuelson for your eloquent words before the Senate
committee and for all the years you have dedicated to the cause of
funding the research. List newcomers may not know that Joan, and the
Parkinson's Action Network, which she founded, was responsible for first
making Congress aware of the inequity of federal funding for PD research,
and for enlisting the support of individuals in Congress such as
Representatives Upton and Waxman,  and Senators Hatfield , Wellstone and
Simpson, who sponsored the first Udall Bill in 1994.

   Thank you Jim Cordy for your inspiring testimony and your dedication
and leadership over the many years.  Another glimpse back into list
history, for newcomers. Jim was affectionately nicknamed "The General."
He  first convinced PD list members to become involved and active in the
campaign to pass and fund the Udall bill. Through his persistent lobbying
he also won the support of his Senator - Arlen Specter - who held the
Senate Committee hearing.

  During our research in the list Archives - a big thank you also to
Simon Coles - for "Behind the Masks,"  Barb Blake-Krebs and I found many
inspiring postings of Jim's - I'd like to share an excerpt from his 1997
Thanksgiving message - shortly after the Udall Bill was finally passed by

(11/27/97 Thanksgiving 97
Today I'm stepping out of my battle armor to bask in the glory of our
great victory. . . I am thankful for the opportunity to utilize what
talents I have in contributing to the battle which has resulted in so
many rewarding experiences:
     From seeing those who had lost hope share in my conviction, to the
signing of each and every additional cosponsor I had a hand with, to
witnessing each deliberate stroke with 50 pens as the President of the
United States of America signed into law $100,000,000 per year for battle
against Parkinson's.
    Wow!  What a roller coaster ride it has been.  I'm thankful for this
list which has enabled the connection of so many people, thoughts and
ideas. Those who have doubts about computer technology should have
witnessed the Udall saga unfold post by post.
    There were no junkets, PACs or high priced lobbyists. Instead there
were letters, postcards, phone calls and visits by ordinary people.
    Finally I'm thankful for the dedicated researchers to whom we are
handing the $100,000,000 baton for the anchor leg of this race. Without
them there would be no hope.  God's speed.