

I had bilateral pallidotomies 3 years ago (March and Dec., 1996).  Here's my
report card:
Dyskinesia--100% gone on right side; 85% gone on left side.
Stiffness, bradykinesia and discomfort of off periods--80% improved
I'm now taking one-half to one-third as much levo-dopamine (sinemet)as I took

Drooling--was very bad following 2nd pall. now is under control with meds
Speech problems (volume and slurring)--this, too, was bad immediately
following 2nd pall. now is better but still a problem.

The following problems have developed considerably after, and seemingly
independently of the pall:
Balance problems and falling.

Overall, I'm till very pleased with the effects of the pall.and the I feel
like some things are   still improving.  Thank you for the opportunity to
look at my self-asssessment in "report card" format.
Marty Polonsky