

Dear Michel,
You wrote:
> I' would think that the whole population of the world  would be afflicted with PD
>because we are all full of amines which make up all proteins.  More specifically, all
>proteins are made up of simple amino acids, which have an amine group at one end >of the
>molecule and an acid group at the other end. Salycilates are not as common, but have >been
>around also for a long time.  Are you claiming that every time you take an aspirin you >are
>exposing yourself to PD.

I was thinking not so much about what we are made up off, but more about the fuel we take in  and "some" human beans appear to be sensitive to some components of some fuels. (Including asprin)
I do not feel that we need live in fear of what we eat etc., but I do think that our food should serve us well and we have a choice. (Barring the odd irristable urge for that chocolate or whatever? )  :-)     
The trick is of course to find out "what" serves us each as an individual well. 

BTW Your desciption of this world begins to sound like Jurassic Park,
a monster around every corner.  Scaaaaaaaaaary.       <grin>    
More love to you all, from Erika.