

From Erika,
To Nita,
    The tests carried out at Prince Alfred Hospital Sydney were done by means of an elimination diet.
A strict regime of only "chemical" free food (that is free of amines, salicylates, MSG and foodadditives)followed for several weeks after which other foods were introduced to ascertain reaction(double-blind tested).
It was felt that the results showed a pharmacological (not an allergic) reaction to the various food chemicals.
In personal communication with Anne Swain in 1993- (yes I have one of those dusty drawers with old letters :-)  ) she wrote that most children tolerated 1 serve of salicylate and 1 of amine per day,
beyond that there often was a reaction. 
quote from  Friendly Food:"Unlike allergies, these food intolerances seem to work by irritating nerve endings in different parts of the body rather in the way that certain drugs can cause side-effects in sensitive people".
"In very sensitive people the natural chemicals which build up in the body over a period of days or 
weeks can cause chronic or recurrent symptoms." unquote.
Remember though that we are talking here about symptoms such as hyperactivity(which is relatively easy to test) is a long jump from there to damage to dopamine producing cells and PD. 
Nevertheless, I keep on wondering.     Love from Erika.