

At 11:54 1999/11/14 -0800, you wrote:
>> 1. why do you spell G-d without an "o" ?  how did she come to lose it ?
>Traditional Jews believe that to spell out His Name
>(even as "God") is the equivalent of taking the Lord's
>Name in vain.  They abbreviate it as G-d, L-rd, etc.
>in order to avoid writing it out fully....

hi bob

thanks for the info
it's interesting...
so where did all the vowels go?
it seems like vowels were banned but consonants were not?
god = unacceptable use
g-d = acceptable use

did this apply only to the written word,
or to the spoken word as well?

hmmm, how would one speak without vowels?

>The whole issue of the Name of God is interesting.  Some call Him
>Allah, some Jehovah, others the Great Spirit, etc.  In the (Western)
>Bible, His Name is expressed only by four letters (JHVH), the so-called
>Tetragrammoton, and "Jehovah" has been used by some as the proper
>"translation", but this is far from certain.

jhvh looks like an acronym for jehovah
[spoken like a true nerd!]
please have mercy on this dictionary disadvantged soul!

The only place in the
>Western Bible (Old Testament) where He supposedly gives His Name
>(to Moses) is where He said, "I am that am", and "...tell them that I Am
>sent you".  The Scholastic (Roman Catholic) philosophers of the
>Middle Ages stated of God, "His essence is existence", so one could
>translate that as meaning, "God is pure Existence", in which case, we,
>since we all exist, are part of God.  I choose to accept that concept.
>Heavy stuff. Best, Bob

heavy maybe for some
but not to me, i'm too curious about all of us


janet paterson
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