

Dawana had a fever of 103.3 several hours ago. with ice and a cooling
blanket, they got it down to 100+. the only good news we had today was that
she knew who i was at one visit at 6pm More surgery on her legs is planned
for thursday, if they think she can stand it


You lay so still
Hiding inside your mind
Knowing you are badly hurt
Knowing your world , so safe and secure, is gone

Doctors say it's the meds,
And  others say it's coping
But I know you, and I saw the horror
In your eyes, when you found your world destroyed

You've retreated to a place
Where you think you are safe,
But it's a downhill slope to get there,
And an uphill battle to leave

I know you, and I love you,
But loving you doesn't hide the faults
And you don't like pain and sickness
What your world has become

For you to come back to me,
You face that uphill climb
And I can't follow you,
So I can't help you

And while you are hiding,
Your body is neglected
One infection becomes two
And two become more

More pain, and more horror
As parts continue to be
Removed as non-essential
Though they are essential to me

I've tried and done
All I know
To show you,  you are not safe
But your refuge is so close, and I am so far away

Life is a series of choices
You pay to play, and you did
It's unfair, it's not right
But it's reality

Come back and fight
Or you will die

Bob armentrout, copyright 1999

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