

hi all

At 21:21 1999/11/08 -0500, tina wrote:
>I am looking for any info on Mirapex side effects....The only
>side effect I can find is about falling asleep.  I am having
>bad joint pain in my knees.  Just started saturday, and I started
>my full dose of Mirapex friday (1.5mg)day.  I am also on Amantadine
>(generic for Symmetrel).  Still having tremors and balance problems,
>so far Mirapex really hasnt helped me.  I already have a call
>into my doctor, waiting for return call.  Just trying to get more
>info before I see the doctor. He will not put me on sinemet because
>he says I am too young.  He said the longer you take it, the worse
>side effects you get down the road. He said he only gives it to
>his older patients.  My symptoms are tremor in right hand, and
>head...balance problems, fallen 5 times in past 2 weeks, joint
>pain in knees, right leg dragging and freezing (which has caused
>most of falls), depression, fatigue, and trouble walking any
>distance.  I am only 31 yrs old.  Any info would be greatly
>appreciated.  My doctor is really good, he and his team of doctors
>are third in the nation in pallidomy surgeries.  I really am just
>looking for ideas or thoughts to bring up to my doctor when I go
>see him. Thanks, and sorry for being so winded.
>Tina-----Fairfield, Ohio


sinemet was a miracle for me
i started it in 1988 when i was diagnosed

i had 'ignored' my walking problems for so long
that my diagnosing doctor said that my symptoms were incapacitating
[i was having difficulty walking, typing and writing]
and that justified putting me on sinemet immediately
which resulted in my symptoms virtually disappearing for years

the dopamine agonists generally are good for treating early symptoms
for a relatively short time

good sinemet management is the key to long useability, IMHO

11 years later
i now have "on" and "off" times
when my symptoms are under control and when they are not,
so sinemet doseage and timing becomes a fine art
and require close attention and patience
but that's a small price to pay for the benefits
[again, in my humble opinion]

i think your doctor has an insensitive if not sadistic attitude
toward you and your symptoms
[speaks of 'soldiering on' and 'pull yourself up by your bootstraps']

are you still working?
why not ask him what he would do if he were in your shoes?

if you have clinical depression
it is eminently treatable and curable and should be addressed
i know it well and it is not something to be treated lightly

also a couple more two cents
surgery is the option of last resort for pd symptoms

being skilled in same does not necessarily automatically
guarantee skill or sensitivity in med management

how many young onset patients does your doctor have?

to quote one of my heroes
the era of 'doctor as god' is over, maybe he hasn't noticed?

getting on another rant

janet paterson
52 now / 41 dx / 37 onset
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