

Dear Tina,
   Please forgive me for my sarcasm but maybe you should fall and break your
arm, leg, head etc.GOD forgive. Maybe then your doctor would give you a bit
of sinemet. I think it is very reasonable to try it out. The quality of your
life now sounds rather poor so why wait? Who knows what awaits us down the road.
    If you haven't done so already please look up Brian Collins. He is from
the U.K. and has been living successfully with Levodopa for the past 18
years. You can find him by calling up on the internet:
    I've been on Mirapex for about a year and have noticed little in the way
of side effects,with the maybe exception of some tightness in my limbs but
then again that could be due to the Tasmar I take in addition to Sinemet.
     I agree with janet's notion that drug management has nothing to do with
surgical outcome.

At 09:21 PM 11/8/99 -0500, you wrote:
>I am looking for any info on Mirapex side effects....The only side
>effect I can find is about falling asleep.  I am having bad joint pain
>in my knees.  Just started saturday, and I started my full dose of
>Mirapex friday (1.5mg)day.  I am also on Amantadine (generic for
>Symmetrel).  Still having tremors and balance problems, so far Mirapex
>really hasnt helped me.  I already have a call into my doctor, waiting
>for return call.  Just trying to get more info before I see the doctor.
>He will not put me on sinemet because he says I am too young.  He said
>the longer you take it, the worse side effects you get down the road.
>He said he only gives it to his older patients.  My symptoms are tremor
>in right hand, and head...balance problems, fallen 5 times in past 2
>weeks, joint pain in knees, right leg dragging and freezing (which has
>caused most of falls), depression, fatigue, and trouble walking any
>distance.  I am only 31 yrs old.  Any info would be greatly
>appreciated.  My doctor is really good, he and his team of doctors are
>third in the nation in pallidomy surgeries.  I really am just looking
>for ideas or thoughts to bring up to my doctor when I go see him.
>Thanks, and sorry for being so winded.
>Tina-----Fairfield, Ohio

Q: How many Dan Quayles does it take to screw in a light bulb?
     A: One, but it has to be a pretty dim bulb.