

hi all

At 09:25 1999/11/09 -0600, jeanette wrote:
>In re:Mirapex side effects in my own history with PD meds,
>I took Mirapex(1mg 3xs daily) w/segeline for about 6-7 months.
>I had some drowsiness to the point I was afraid to drive alone
>at highway speeds and some dizziness that my mds said could be
>either the agonist, the mao inhibitor(segeline) or pd itself.
>I wanted to go back on SinemetCR but lst tried PERMAX with the
>unfortunate side effect of extreme stomach acidity. Finally, I
>called and talked w/the nurse at my mds office and told her my
>pd symptoms were worse, my stomach was upset w/heartburn after
>all kinds of food and could I PLEASE reintroduce SINEMETCR until
>my upcoming office visit in 2 weeks.
>My mds was paged, answered the page and said to slowly reintroduce
>SINEMETCR and decrease PERMAX.  Have since stopped PERMAX and
>taking only SINEMETCR am feeling MUCH BETTER and pd symptoms of
>slowness, rigidity and unbalance are now controlled in a way that
>allows me to enjoy work, family life, and I'm enjoying the
"honeymoon" that levodopa/cardopa provides.
>I'd hoped that agonist only would be effective for my pd symptoms,
>but the side effects were worse than the symptom relief.  You may
>find that Mirapex works; it does for some pwp.  I'd suggest being
>careful with any med change to S L O W L Y titrate up and realize
>that a theraputic dose of test trials may not be the doze that is
>effective for you.  I often use LESS than recommended dose of over
>the counter drugs and have found through trial/error that pd doses
>for me are sometimes less than recommended by drug trials of drug
>Hope you figure out what is best.Patience and keeping a daily diary
>of when & amt of meds taken, foods eaten, stress of the day and how
>your body/mind feel when taking the new drugs can help you tell your
>dr/nurse how the drug makes you feel.  It is often a good indication
>of what is causing a particular problem.   Jeanette Fuhr 49/47/44?

all i can say
i couldn't have said it better myself!

knowledge is power
share it


janet paterson
52 now / 41 dx / 37 onset
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