

I have been on mirapex since Dec 98. The first month i was on it, my hands
swelled nightly to the point i thought the skin would burst. I do also get
"sleep attacks", but have learned how to tell when they are coming on. I
also take sinemet ct,4 times per day, and sinemet 6 times per day. With all
3, i get excellent control, but whenever i have tried to drop one, problems
i started on sinemet, and it worked for 4 hours, but off periods were really
off, sinemet cr gave me a less complete control, but less drastic off and on
the mirapex i really did not think was doing much until i went off it for a
week - without it, the senemet and sinemet cr lasts half as long. the hands
quit swelling after 6 weeks or so, and as I've said, the sleep attacks still
occur, but you can learn to recognize the signs and pull over.
hope this helps someone

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