

I am thinking seriously of hiking the 1700-mile
California section--or maybe even the whole 2600 miles
--of the Mexico-to-Canada Pacific Crest Trail,
beginning on April 15.  I discovered I had PD in 1984.
 I'm shaky and slow without Sinemet, but pretty viable
with it.  I'm 61 and in decent shape.  I live in
Houston and have given presentations on what we as
PDers can do for ourselves.  As bizarre as it seems to
my wife, the hike seems like a natural next step.

If you're interested in learning more about the trail,
check  Or me:

I'd like to hear any of your thoughts on: 1) how I
might use the hike to publicize the need for PD
research funding; 2) whether any of you would like to
join me for a section of the trail; 3) whether or not
there are PDers or caregivers reasonably near--or
willing to drive to--the trail who might offer me a
stopping place for a few days, should I need such
support; and 4) any ideas for raising the funds I'll
need to actually do the hike (about $11,000!).


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