

You asked a good question about how tolearn without being afraid. I don't
have much of an answer, but consider this when the kazankas* get  bad -
everyone i have met with pd prgress at different rates and have different
symptoms. Some crash hard and fast, like my body is trying to do, others
coast for years with min, problems. Why dont you go to a support group,
besides helping you, you will see a wide variety of different symptoms. In
my case, when i go off, my rt foot curls under me so i am walking on the
side of it, my right hand curls up to my collarbone, and twists and shakes,
and my right side of my face freezes so i can't talk.  I've been told i look
very disturbing, but - when i am in this state, i am relatively pain free,
unlike the rest of the time. coming out of it is painful, but whhen it looks
the worst, i hurt the least.  You may find you have similar feelings when
you get to thay point


ps, a kazanka is the imaginary critter who whispers ugly shit in your ear at
3 am and you are down

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