

At 12:45 1999/11/10 -0800, you wrote:
>My God, janet, can't YOU (of all people) follow my late
>evening dopamine-deprived tangential thinking! I stated
>these these things in my usual succinct and concise and
>humorless (for some) manner. Dennis Miller has had no sex
>change that I am aware of. Joe, Joao Paulo, and
>(apparently) Joe's doctor would all be good choices as
>dinner dates. (IMO)       Carole H.

i got it now!
my brain has been under strain:
can't follow your tangents and send mail every which way

i might have to take the 50th here
[that's the one that absolves anyone under assault by andropause]

dinners, dates, mambos,
i think we are trying to tell us something

just where are those gallant gentlemen when you need one?


why ME of ALL people?
is that an accusation?
if so, i represent it.
if not, i forgive you.