

hi all

At 11:36 1999/11/10 -0500, bonnie wrote:
>Dear List:
>The National Parkinson Foundation has a new service
>available through our web site.  It is called "Ask
>Dr. Lieberman" and anyone can write n questions to
>Dr. Lieberman.  The questions will be broadcast to
>all those that sign up (like the listserv) as will
>the answers.  SO far, he has received a number of
>questions about medications, so it may be a good idea
>to look at what has already been posted.
>Please check it out at our web site:
> <>
>Bonnie Cunningham, R.N.  Patient Services Director NPF

this sounds like a great service and is probably unique on the WWWeb
thanks for letting us know about it


janet paterson
52 now / 41 dx / 37 onset
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