

                                        WHERE ARE YOU?

A scream of terror blasts me awake
A one ton chariot is sliding down an incline,
Pinned to the door, sleep and bewilderment clouding my eyes
Somehow I sense you grabbing the wheel,
Desperately trying to save us
Terror provides too much strength
We enter the road, too much, too fast,
Sliding sideways, swaying, caught in gravity's rapids
A frozen instant of time, and as you cream again, tires blow in echo
We slide, flip and ricochet down the road
Hot asphalt fills my nostrils, as my face skims the ground
Your screams growing louder and wilder in my ears
Grass slaps my face, the truck starts bucking and jumping
My head slams something
Where are you?

I hear you crying
      But it can't be you
                 Sounding like that

Hurt animals make those noises, whimpering in pain and fear
Light stabs my eyes as adrenaline blasts me awake
Destruction and debris all around
Engine rumbles die, as my hand turns off the key
You aren't behind the wheel, or beside me, in the floorboard
Or the backseat -
Where are you?

Shaking hands claw at my seat belt,
Shoulder and hip shove open a door
Stagger outside - God that hurt
Where are you?

Panic fills my heart, and overflows into my throat,
And I begin to scream your name, over and over,
Where are you?

A stranger tries to calm me, and to lay me down,
But she swears a prayer
When I tell her you aren't there
Where are you?

She screams to me, there you are,
So far away from my side
My heart says to run, but rebellious legs refuse to work -
I crawl to your side, grass burs stabbing my hands
A prayer falls steadily from my lips like rain
From a pregnant cloud "please God let her be alive, or me dead"
You are so still, crying in pain and frustration; I reach your side
Where are you?

You look at me, with soft blue eyes, wide with shock and pain,
And softly tell me "Don't move me, it's my legs"
Your legs are lying at angles they were never meant to be.
My breath catches, and my blood freezes
Your precious body is so violated, you are so hurt
I try to sprint, but settle for a crawl
A phone, an ambulance, have to hurry, this has got to be a nightmare
"Please God take care of my Lady, Please God help me"
Where are we?

A voice assures me an ambulance speeds our way,
So trembling fingers dial your mom
"An accident, she's hurt bad"
A faceless stranger takes her voice to you
Someone lays me down, so battered and sore,
Ribs and shoulders burn like smoldering coals
Head thick and heavy, clouds filling my mind.
Where are you?

Annoying voices wake me, faceless hands
Straps, braces, boards
"How is my wife?" I scream, and I hear a whisper leave my lips
"The paramedic's with her" a bodiless voice replies
I grunt in pain, as a cart with square wheels bumps me to an ambulance.
I can't turn my head to you, but your screams begin anew.
Pain from an outraged body echoes in my ears,
And refills my heart with fear.
Where are you?

Sirens, radio, a voice saying life flight
All carry me into an ER hall,
More faceless hands with needles
Machines, blood, and x-rays
They tell me you have flown away
So I lie, tell them I'm ok,
And stagger out the door
Where are you?

The miles you flew so swiftly
Takes me hours to cross
My head and heart sore and aching,
Prayers whispers from my lips
As tears of fear fall like rain
Where are you?

My heart sinks, you lie motionless
So many wires and hoses
You open your eyes
Those beautiful windows to your soul
And tears spill down your cheek
"I'm sorry, so sorry" the most wonderful voice I've heard
And she is talking to me

Her words cause confusion in my head,
"What ever do you mean?"
"You are hurt, the truck is wrecked"
My angel says to me.

"You  are alive!"My soul rejoices,
As I smile and kiss your lips
Finally, Finally, we are together again

Your poor body, so broken and so bruised
My body aches, wanting to take your pain
I hold your hand, and touch your face
And whisper magic words
"I love you, I need you"
And just like magic, a smile
As beautiful as the sunrise
Is given to a fool like me.

But complications follow
The windows to your soul slam shut
And you don't wake, or talk to me
Where are you?

By bob armentrout   copyright 1999

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