

hi all

At 22:13 1999/11/11 -0800, ervin wrote:
>Sorry if I offended anyone.  Just trying to
>make a point for decency. Peace.

hi ervin

actively "promoting" any religion is offensive to most people
i think because there appears to be an underlying assumption
that the promot-ee is in need of 'saving' or 'conversion'
when in fact their religious convictions are not known

i don't know if i would chalk such actions up to 'decency'
but that's just my opinion and my two cents' worth,

which are, in fact, irrelevant to the issue at hand,
which, from my point of view, and in my not so humble opinion,
is/was the internet hoax disguised as a religious scam

for those interested newbies
internet hoaxes / urban legends / e-mail chain letters
are written by puerile dweebs competing to see who can write
the biggest- and fastest-spreading ethereal myth on the internet.
they frequently have microsoft as a direct or indirect target;
whatever, the net [!} result
is a sad waste of internet resources and time
hardware-, software-, and wetware-wise.
[human beans are known to some dweebs
as wet-ware - don't ask me how i know]

i actually went hunting for this particular scheme / scam
i am sure it's been around for years
viz the 'taking christ out of christmas' portion
but there are so many sites and so many hoaxes
that my stomach gave up the hunt sooner than i did

a search in our own archives also resulted
in a virtual barrage of 'hits' decrying yet another hoax...
how can we could get those dweebs interested in neurological research...?

incorrrrigible nrrrdette

janet paterson
52 now / 41 dx / 37 onset
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